Bite U - Sodexo App The following document will assist in setting up the Sodexo Bite App for the Unversity of the Incarnate Word. 1. Open your App Store and search for "Bite App U"2. Click Install3. Click Open 4. Click "Let's Start" 5. Select "While using the app" to allow location access. 6. Click on the UIW Logo7. Click "Enter" 8. Click "Enter Location" 9. Click "SIGN IN/ SIGN UP"***NOTE: These are not your UIW credentials. A new account needs to be created***10. Click "SIGN UP NOW" 11. Fill Out ALL required fields (*) 12. Click the Checkbox to Agree to Terms and Click "Create" 13. Click "Add Card"***This will take you to the screen where you will enter your UIW Cardinal Apps Credentials.*** 13. Sign in with your UIW Cardinal Apps Credentials 14. You've completed the setup. Click "Great!" 15. You can now view the different tabs at the bottom of the screen in RED16. The "Pay" Screen will show you how to pay for items and view Transaction History. 17. In the Upper Right there will be 2 lines. This will take you to the menu. 18. The menu has links for FAQ's (how to documents), and an email help feature "Talk to Us". Use this if there are any technical issues with the App outside of using your Cardinal Apps Credentials to finish the account creation.