Adding 'Push Grades to LMS' option to your assessments


Visual Guide Written Guide

Examsoft menu highlighting the Assessments option


Step 1

If you already have the 'Push Grades to LMS' column in your portal's assessments area, skip to step 4 to continue

Head to your ExamSoft Portal and Select the Assessments tab (at the top of the screen).

Examsoft window showing the push to LMS option after clicking the gear icon in the upper right
Step 2

Select the Gear icon in the top right corner of the table to add a column.

Step 3

Select Push Grades to LMS from the list
- Important: If you do not see this option in the list, please contact a Software Specialist or your local Examsoft admin

Push Grades from Examsoft to Canvas

Push grades button is circles in the 'Push Grades to LMS' column Instructors do NOT have to create a grade column in Canvas prior to submitting grades, but they if there is a grade column already created, you'll have the option to push to that column or create a new one for the assignment.

4. Locate the assessment for which you wish to push the grades to LMS and click the 'Push to LMS' button
The 'select grade column' field is highlighted to show the name of the grade column to be imported into canvas
Step 5

Use the first box to select an existing Grade Column or the second box to create a new one. This name will be shown within your LMS grade-book.

Note: If you have a grade column created in Canvas but it doesn't populate in the drop down menu, your course needs to sync with Canvas. This occurs every 24 hours but can be manually done by your local Examsoft admin or by a Software Specialist.

Step 6

Select the Score type in the final box and select the 'Send Grades to LMS' button to push the scores for that assessment to Canvas with the specified Grade column.


Error: Your LMS service did not find the selected course. This error message will show if the LMS course isn't connected to Examsoft, please, contact your ExamSoft admin.

  • If you receive this error (Pictured left) while clicking on the 'Push to LMS' button, contact your local Examsoft admin or a Software Specialist as your Canvas course is not syncing with Examsoft.

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