Share and Embed EchoVideo Media
There may be times when you want to share a recording or video with a larger audience than a few classes or even just EchoVideo users. In this case, you can generate a URL directly to the media, and then post that link anywhere you like. You can also generate an "embed code" for embedding directly into a portal or embedding in Canvas (using the HTML view of the editor).
To generate an access link or embed, you can either use the Share workflow from the Library or the Publishing tab of the Media Details page. The options for a link or embed are always the same, regardless of how you generated it. Learn how to create a sharing link with the resource, below.
What is the "Private" option for a sharing link?
Access Links and Embeds can be Public, allowing anyone with the URL to view the media. However, they can be set to Private, requiring anyone who clicks the link to log in to EchoVideo. Private means that only EchoVideo users at your institution can view the linked media.
I shared a "Private" link but my students say they cannot view it.
As the institution primarily uses Canvas with EchoVideo, the recipient will need to have already accessed EchoVideo through Canvas to gain authentication. As long as they are already authenticated in EchoVideo, by opening the EchoVideo item in their Canvas course, when they click the link, the link will work.