Before you begin...

Other methods to share Echo360 content include...

Benefits of using this method are...

  • Ability to set links to Public (anyone can view) or Private (only UIW Echo users can view).
  • Links or embeds in this method cannot be downloaded.
  • Ability to create multiple links for the same video, each with different settings.

Step 1

Login to Cardinal Apps and click on the EchoVideo app.

Echovideo app icon

Step 2

Once your Echo360 account loads, click on the Library tab in the upper left corner.

Echovideo library icon

Step 3

Hover over the piece of content you'd like to share and...

  1. Click on the Elipses (elipses menu icon) button
  2. Click the Share option from the drop-down list

elipses menu in echo video

Step 4

Select the Links tab in the Share Settings pop-up, then click the 'Add Link' button.

Share settings menu in EchoVideo

This is where you can create and manage existing links for video content.

Step 5

Here, you can share a direct link to your content. There are some configurable options for each link you create. Multiple links can exist simultaneously with their own settings.

See description for each feature below (if needed) and click [2] Copy when finished to copy the sharing link for use elsewhere.

share options menu

  1. Share link: When enabled (Default), the link is active and anyone clicking the shared link can view the content. Turn this off if you want to temporarily disable a link.
  2. Copy: Use this button to copy the sharing link
  3. Embed: Use the embed button to generate embed code to past into Canvas or Editor on a website.*
  4. Description: Enter a description for the sharing link. This is useful for identifying who the link was shared with if you're working with multiple sharing links.
  5. Start At: Allows you to set a starting timestamp for the video, which starts the video at that timestamp for users opening your link.
  6. Public Access: When enabled (Default) any person with the URL can view the media. Disable this to limit viewing permissions to Echo360 users.
  7. Delete: Permanently deletes the sharing link. 
  8. Add Link: Creates another sharing link to toggle and send out.

Embed Code Notice

If you choose to embed an Echo360 video in this method...

  • The video will be stripped of its interactive elements (Q&A, Confusion points, etc.)
  • The video will not keep analytics on view-counts or viewers.

Embed link menu

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