UIW IT Freshstatus Alert System
What is Freshstatus?
Freshstatus is our NEW Incident Alerting System. UIW Information Technology will use this system to alert users of current system outages, upcoming scheduled maintenance, as well as the current status of our UIW programs and infrastructure. Users will have the ability to subscribe to email notifications for ALL alerts or follow/unfollow specific ones.
Our Goal
To provide better communication to the UIW Community as well as encourage them to "Subscribe" or "Follow" alerts.
How to View Alerts
Method 1
Head to: https://uiw.freshstatus.io/
Method 2
Login to Cardinal Apps and click the "Technology Alerts" icon pictured below.

Method 3
Alternatively, you can click "Alerts" from the top of the UIW IRD Website.

You will be taken to a page that shows you any current alerts or outages at the top, and lists out the various UIW applications, services, and other monitored items.

You can click the arrow icon (>) next to each item to expand the list.
Subscribing to ALL Alerts
This will trigger email alerts for all incidents. If you do not want to subscribe to all incidents, view the "Following a Specific Alert" section further down...
Step 1
While on the UIW Status page...
- Click the Subscribe button found toward the top of the page.
- Enter the email address you would like to receive all alerts to.
- Click the Subscribe button below the email field to proceed.

This will route you to "check your inbox for a verification email" notice.
Step 2
Check the email inbox that you signed up with to find a verification email from techalerts@uiwtx.edu... Click the 'Yes, This is my email' prompt to complete the subscription to all status alerts.

Subscription Successful! Click "Back to Status page" to return to the UIW Status page

This will trigger email alerts for ALL incidents. If you do not want to subscribe to ALL incidents and just "Follow" active alerts, please see the next section.
Following a Specific Alert
An alternative to subscribing to all alerts is to "Follow" a certain "Ongoing Incident" or piece of UIW infrastructure. This is ideal if you only work on or only care about receiving notifications for specific outage items on the status page.
Only if there is an ongoing incident, you can choose to get email notifications for the duration of the incident by clicking the "Follow" button next to the incident you want to follow.

If you aren't logged in with a subscribed account, you'll receive a pop-up asking for an email address to send alerts. Enter the email address from which to receive alerts for that specific outage or event. Proceed by clicking 'Follow this incident'.

If you aren't logged in with a subscribed account, You'll be asked to verify the email address you entered. Head to your inbox to find an email from techalerts@uiwtx.edu and verify by clicking the 'Yes, this is my email' button within (Pictured below).

***To Unsubscribe from ALL alerts: Scroll to the bottom of the Freshstatus page and click "Unsubscribe" > Enter the email you signed up with > Click "Unsubscribe"***