OneDrive for Students App in Canvas
Before deciding how you submit work for Canvas Assignments, be sure to carefully read all instructions and information presented in Canvas. Canvas Assignments are set up by your instructor and options vary according to the settings the instructor chooses to use. There are several ways to add OneDrive files to Canvas as a student:
OneDrive for Students App is the method explained in this article.
File Upload Canvas Assignments is an assignment option instructors may choose to use for collecting your work.
OneDrive in Collaborations is supported at the course-level but is currently unavailable in group-level Collaborations.
OneDrive for Students is an app available to students in the Canvas Rich Content Editor (RCE). Students can use this app to share file links with instructors and/or peers in a Canvas course anywhere the RCE is available.
- Navigate to any Canvas feature offering the RCE.
- Use Tools from the toolbar or find the electric plug icon to select View All.
- Search for, or scroll down the alphabetical options, to find OneDrive for Students.
Sign in with your UIW email and password - do not use a personal Microsoft account.
- Wait for the connection to establish, check mark the file you want to share, and click Attach File.
Save your work in the RCE for others to see the link.
Need more detail?
Watch a 5-minute overview of the RCE and delve into the in-depth walkthrough below, complete with images and various notes for every step.
Step 1: Navigate to any Canvas feature offering the RCE
The RCE is available to create content inside any Canvas feature that supports student ability to contribute, which might include Discussions, Announcement comments, Pages open for editing, Group tools, and Text Entry Assignments. These course options are determined by each instructor and their choices impact your experience in a course.
Step 2: Use Tools or the Electric Plug Icon to Select View All
The RCE offers both the toolbar options and icon shortcuts, two ways to take the exact same action. Choose whichever way you prefer to work. The View All option opens a pop up of choices listed in alphabetical order.
Note, Canvas offers recent shortcuts once you have previously opened an app.
Option 1: Choose Tools > Apps > View All
Option 2: Choose Electric Plug Icon > View All
Step 3: Find the OneDrive for Students App
Search for, or scroll down, to find the app named OneDrive for Students. Note: This name is used by UIW to differentiate the Microsoft OneDrive app available for students from the one for instructors because instructors can see both in their list.
Step 4: Sign in with Your UIW Credentials
This app works with your UIW Microsoft account and signing in with your UIW credentials allows a connection within Canvas. To ensure your do not encounter technical issues, do not use a personal Microsoft account.
Step 5: Attach Your File
Wait for the Microsoft connection to establish within Canvas, then check mark the file you want to share, and click Attach File.
Step 6: Save Your Work
Save your work using the option provided by the RCE for others to see the link added from your MS OneDrive.
OneDrive for Students App in Canvas FAQ
Can I use my personal Microsoft account in Canvas?
No. To utilize all the tech benefits available to you and avoid errors, use your UIW email and password to connect your school account.
Who do I contact for help with my UIW Microsoft account or password?
The UIW Help Desk provides student technical support for account and access issues.
Is the OneDrive for Students app the right choice for my assignment?
It depends on your instructor. Carefully read the syllabus and any instructions provided in your Canvas course, then contact your instructor to clarify their expectations.
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