Formative Assessment: Canvas Design Tips If prompted, sign in with Cardinal Apps to view the video. Trouble with the embed? Direct link: Canvas Formative Assessment Tips.mp4 Instructions for Formative Assessment Tips Learning Journals with Canvas Discussions Learning Journals Improve Academic Self-Efficacy - Research Article Reflective Journal Writing and Lifelong Learning Skills - Research Article 20 Types Of Learning Journals That Help Students Think How do I automatically create groups in a group set in Canvas? How do I manually assign students to groups? How do I move a student into a different group? How do I assign a graded discussion to a course group? How do I grade a graded discussion in SpeedGrader? How do I delay posting an announcement until a specific date in a course? How do I create a recurring event in a calendar? Class Quizzing with Microsoft Forms Quizzing Boosts Classroom Learning - Research Article Five Types of Quizzes That Deepen Engagement with Course Content Improving Classroom Quizzes Create a quiz with Microsoft Forms Add a picture to a question Add a video to a question Use branching logic in Microsoft Forms Add sections to your survey or questionnaire Change a form theme Adjust your form or quiz settings in Microsoft Forms Share a form How do I use the HTML view in Canvas? How do I add an embed with the cloud icon in Canvas? How do I add a page to the student To-Do list? Present Your Quiz Live on Any Screen Check and share your quiz results