EchoVideo Overview
EchoVideo is available to the Health Profession Schools and is the adopted solution for managing scheduled lecture captures in academic classrooms. Usage varies by school but often includes submitting a request to a campus contact for scheduling. EchoVideo also offers a complete video management solution, allowing instructors to create, store, and share video content. Engagement tools allow students to flag confusion points, take notes, and post questions for discussion. Instructors can assess students with integrated polling within their videos and upload related slide decks.
EchoVideo Availability
EchoVideo is available to instructors and students in the Health Profession Schools (HPS).
- Instructors access EchoVideo through Canvas or Cardinal Apps.
- To enable it in Canvas, edit the course menu options to add EchoVideo 1.1 and then click the link to provision the connection each term.
- Students access EchoVideo through Canvas or by Echo360 Login.
- A downloadable recording application is available for Windows and macOS devices.
- Tech support is provided by the UIW Help Desk.
EchoVideo Considerations
- EchoVideo depends on the classroom computer and AV equipment supported by IT.
- Consult your campus technician for guidance on school processes to confirm the lecture capture request form is used for scheduling lecture captures in the classroom.
- EchoVideo does not increase Canvas course storage.
- Students can access videos from the course menu links and instructors can embed videos using the RCE app option or via shared links.
- An EchoVideo capture can be livestreamed and viewed in real time for special accommodations or synchronous lectures.
- Instructors can connect OneDrive with EchoVideo to automatically share MS Teams meetings recordings with a class.
- A delay can be set for the posting policy to give instructors time for editing, such as 24 hours.
- The built-in media editor allows trimming recordings to make edits, particularly in cases of privacy concerns, without having to re-share.
- Instructors have analytics to track student video engagement.
EchoVideo Guides
EchoVideo FAQ
Why does my video not have audio?
There may be a problem with your recording space or device. Contact your campus technology specialist or the Help Desk.
Why is the wrong screen being recorded in my capture?
It seems there are a couple of potential issues causing this:
- For personal captures, it's possible the wrong input source was selected.
- For scheduled captures, there might be a problem with the default settings in your classroom, or the recording software itself may not be functioning correctly.
Can I track student engagement with my videos?
Yes, EchoVideo provides detailed analytics on how much of a video each student has watched and overall engagement with video content. Learn how to view analytics from the media dashboard.